Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Thinking Forward

I work about 30 minutes away from our home in Forest Lake, MN. This drive gives me a lot of time to think about life, such as our future in farming. There are a so many different things to think about when starting something you have never done before and multiple problems that are going to come up, which hopefully I will have thought out before any of them become a devastating problem. Some factors I have already been considering are landlords (while leasing land), getting water to the animals, fencing, feeding, buying the right breeding stock, where I even find land to lease, building my market, packaging and storing our product, growing the farm and balancing my day job, just to start.

Oh yeah, and doing it all without going into debt. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Why the Name "Wittenburg"

File:Wittenberg Schlosskirche Thesentuer.JPG
I love history, particularly church history.
Outside the Bible, there have been some major events that have shaped the faith of believers. Personally, the words and actions of Martin Luther have shaped my understanding of faith in radical ways.

On October 31, 1517 Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the entrance of a church, what is known as "Wittenburgs Door".

In those days nailing something to a door was a statement for debate. We can liken it to posting something on a community board in a public place. However, his theses called out the most powerful organization in the world, the Catholic Church. Which led to what is known as the Protestant Reformation, revolutionizing Christianity.

Today, I want to make a statement (although, infinitely less noble) to traditional agriculture, who are utilizing methods that are hurting mankind (and the animals) more than helping. Our Goal is to raise animals the way God has created them and to harness all their natural nutritional benefits, while keeping them happy and healthy.