Thursday, August 9, 2012

Leaders are Readers

A few years ago I heard the saying "Leaders are Readers" and it has definitely stuck with me. Ever since then I have been trying to read as much as I possibly can on topics I really care about. Faith, family and farming are the most read topics by far, I can't seem to get enough of them.

I just returned Come Back Farms to the Library. This book has given me so much practical wisdom for pasture based farming. From cows to pigs, I found so much encouragement and inspiration in this book.  

Today I placed an order for the book, Humility by C. J. Mahaney. This book was highly recommended by some very influential people in my life. I'm hoping that through it I am able to see myself more rightly and see Jesus Christ more clearly. 

My next farming book is going to be Pigs on Pasture by Scott Kelland. Since I want to start our farm with pigs, I believe this book is where I need to begin. Reading through the index, I found a lot of topics that I need to research. Marketing, pig management and planning are some of the things I really want to learn about before I begin our farm adventure. 

There are dozens of books I want to thumb through, however, time is short and I'm not exactly a fast reader. I'm sure I'll keep posting snippets from the books I look though and some of the wisdom I acquire.

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