Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Step 1:1

Large tasks need to be broken down into steps. My first step is to find some affordable land close to where I live. With this task being so large I need "baby steps" in order to keep from being overwhelmed.

Baby step #1:
     Put together a flyer I can post in strategic locations around town.

What I'm hoping to accomplish by this is to find a local farmer who has some land he's not using. I'm not looking for the cleanest pastures, heck, I don't even need pastures... I would be happy with a wooded lot to allow the pigs to go crazy on acorns and other nuts. As a benefit to the farmer I rent from, he will have a cleaner wooded lot. I don't require electricity as I plan to use a battery powered fence charger. It would sure be nice to have access to water, but again it wont be necessary. I have found large containers on Craigslist for a reasonable price. I am even flexible on the size of lot. I figure anything between 5 an 10 acres will give me a good start.

My end goal is to find a workable piece of land at the best possible price. Any comments/suggestions are appreciated.

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